(450) 432-8696
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a Member

Join the Carrefour d'actions populaire de Saint-Jérôme as a member to actively contribute to the defense of tenants' rights and participate in our community initiatives.

5$ / 2 years

Regular member

These people are directly involved in the issue of housing and are active in the defense of social rights. They are the ones who are at the heart of the decisions and actions of the CAP in a democratic framework. Regular members are eligible for door prizes at events. They receive the quarterly newsletter. The cost of the contribution is 5 $ (2 years) + 2 hours of volunteering per year according to the needs of the CAP.

Free for all

Supporting member

People interested in supporting CAP can become supporters. They will receive the quarterly newsletter and they will be invited to events when volunteers are needed. They can participate in the AGM, but without the right to vote. Membership is free.